Freelance Writer
Microsoft’s Adaptive Controller Aims to Bring Video Games to Everyone
Three of E3’s Hidden Indie Gems that Shouldn’t Get Lost in the Noise
‘Destiny 2’: Forsaken Story Doesn’t Take Many Risks, Even With New Weapon Type
‘The Sims 4: Seasons’ Expansion Offers a Lot of What You’d Expect, and Some That You Wouldn’t
Spider-Man and the Police: Even the Wall-Crawler Can’t Get Over America’s Divide
‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ Reflects the Best and Worst of the American Dream
The Story of ‘Ooblets’: How a Two-Person Studio Is Making 2019’s Most Charming Indie Game
Rockstar and Telltale Games: Why One Is an Eternal Flame and the Other Burned Out Hard
Eager Gamers Waited 13 Years for ‘Kingdom Hearts III’—Was the Delay Too Risky?